So... first situation:
- You have a product that you don't know what's the best label you should give to him in your website (and I'm talking about this, because it's really important to know what's the best name to your product, and the best name is the more related to your product, that is also the most searched for users). So, how do you choose it? Let's suppose your boss wants to sell carpets in the e-commerce, and you have to choose if carpet is the name the most searched for the users. Go to Google Insights for search and search for "carpet" and its synonyms. In the following image you'll see an example:

As you can see, the red line shows the frequency the word 'Carpet' has been searched, and the blue shows the same about the word 'Tapestry'. You can also notice that Google insights for search made a forecast for the keyword most searched. This information allows you to choose the name carpet, that will easily induce the users to go to find your products.
Let's think about one second situation:
- You want to give a discount price for some product that you are not selling well. How can this service help you? Think about this: you go to Google Insights and search for this product. You will check the months people look for this product more often. After that, you will be able to see the months you can give the discount. If you are not selling this in a month that people really search for this product, you can think about the reasons why you are not having success in doing it. Maybe your competitors are giving more discounts... anyway, you have something to think about.
As you can see, Google Insights for Search is a really interesting tool, and not just for people who works for e-commerces. Even for writing this post, I used this service. As my mother language is Portuguese, I was in doubt if I should use feature or tool, when I talk about "SEO tools". Yes.. I chose "tools" because after searching in the service, I discovered that people use much more the word 'tools' instead of 'features'. And if people use more this, propably it's the reason why you found my blog and you're reading this.
I hope you enjoy it!