So, after sometime, here I am publishing for WikiComputação again. Well, after these almost 2 years without posting anything here, I have some news. I enjoyed a great experience doing an internship for a French enterprise (Fruition Sciences SAS - a French startup that optimizes Wine production), where I developed some enhancements to their Decision-Making support system, using PHP (MVC framework), MySQL, jQuery, HTML and CSS.
I returned from France in october 2012 to complete my Computer Science Bachelor degree, and I had the opportunity to study one last course at UDESC. I picked up HCI (Human-Computer Interaction). I found this topic really interesting. I had the opportunity to study systems usability, ergonomics and other related concepts.
I may have forgotten to mention, but before I go to France, I was doing an internship at Render Multimídia LTDA (a Brazilian e-commerce that sells online courses), and during this period, I was trained to be the Front-end engineer in a team composed by 3 back-end developers and me (the front-end developer). At this point, some third-party enterprise was hired to design the new pages of the e-commerce, and I was creating the html+css+javascript effects from PSD files sent to me by the designers.
I enjoyed a lot this work, and since I was in charge with 'only' this job, I could improve my front-end knowledges really well.
When I went to France, I did an internship as a back-end developer, so I could improve my 'back-end' skills. I came back to Brazil and after one month I got hired by NeoGrid (a Brazilian Multi-National leader in Supply Chain Management), where I started my career as junior developer. There, we work in a SCRUM team, so we're all front-end/back-end developers at the same time.
I'm currently programming in Java (J2EE, JSP, Struts, Oracle, Liquibase). It's been an awesome experience. We also have QA analysts to help us testing the issues we solve (Funny story: If you have already worked with QAs you're probably aware of these phrases:"It works in my machine!" "This problem was not caused by my code changes!", "This is not related to the issue I'm currently working". haha It's a 'funny' war that I'm used to call "QA vs Dev".
PS: I don't know why the QA is a mouse in the cartoon... so don't blame me!!!
Another awesome thing is that we follow almost all the 12 topics to pass in the JOEL TEST.
Well... This was just an introduction to let you up to date about my current situation. As I mentioned, I enjoyed studying HCI concepts. Now, I'm trying to improve my knowledge in this major field and help my team to keep finding better solutions to the products we develop. This way, I came to Florianópolis this weekend to do the ResponsiveDay and User-Experience Design course (UX Weekend), conducted by Edu Agni, a Campus Party Brazil Design Consultant. I just came back from the #ResponsiveDay and it was very productive. Tomorrow we will start the UX Weekend.
I'll be talking about it soon, in my next post.

I may have forgotten to mention, but before I go to France, I was doing an internship at Render Multimídia LTDA (a Brazilian e-commerce that sells online courses), and during this period, I was trained to be the Front-end engineer in a team composed by 3 back-end developers and me (the front-end developer). At this point, some third-party enterprise was hired to design the new pages of the e-commerce, and I was creating the html+css+javascript effects from PSD files sent to me by the designers.
I enjoyed a lot this work, and since I was in charge with 'only' this job, I could improve my front-end knowledges really well.
When I went to France, I did an internship as a back-end developer, so I could improve my 'back-end' skills. I came back to Brazil and after one month I got hired by NeoGrid (a Brazilian Multi-National leader in Supply Chain Management), where I started my career as junior developer. There, we work in a SCRUM team, so we're all front-end/back-end developers at the same time.
I'm currently programming in Java (J2EE, JSP, Struts, Oracle, Liquibase). It's been an awesome experience. We also have QA analysts to help us testing the issues we solve (Funny story: If you have already worked with QAs you're probably aware of these phrases:"It works in my machine!" "This problem was not caused by my code changes!", "This is not related to the issue I'm currently working". haha It's a 'funny' war that I'm used to call "QA vs Dev".
PS: I don't know why the QA is a mouse in the cartoon... so don't blame me!!!
Another awesome thing is that we follow almost all the 12 topics to pass in the JOEL TEST.
Well... This was just an introduction to let you up to date about my current situation. As I mentioned, I enjoyed studying HCI concepts. Now, I'm trying to improve my knowledge in this major field and help my team to keep finding better solutions to the products we develop. This way, I came to Florianópolis this weekend to do the ResponsiveDay and User-Experience Design course (UX Weekend), conducted by Edu Agni, a Campus Party Brazil Design Consultant. I just came back from the #ResponsiveDay and it was very productive. Tomorrow we will start the UX Weekend.
I'll be talking about it soon, in my next post.